Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Barack Obama's too little, too late 'second chance'

"Are we making sure we're giving a second chance to those who have strayed and gone to prison but want to start a new life? Government alone can't solve all those problems, but government can help." Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church, March 5, 2007

Too little. Too late.

Sen. Obama is talking about giving a second chance to people who never had a first chance.

Sen. Barack

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Barack Obama no threat to Jim Crow

A couple of weeks back Glenn Greenwald has published a very insightful and thought provoking article on the issue of race with Sen. Barack Obama in the race for president of the United States. Awkward discussions of race and Obama. He writes bemused and confused at White talking heads on Meet the Press who imply that the Rev. Jesse Jackson is somehow threatening. I share his confusion only in the

Mydd and Chris Bowers get what they give

Well this is funny. Chris Bowers at MyDD finds himself on the defensive for doing the right thing. I am not surprised that he is on the defensive. I am surprised that he is advocating doing the right thing. You see MyDD and DailyKos both banned me from their blogs during the 2004 election basically for doing what Bowers is being defensive about doing in 2007.

Some Good News

"Now, I don't regret

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Jim Crow status quo of Daily Kos II

Please go to the original post for the essay. this is a technical correction post.

The Jim Crow status quo of DailyKos

Or: banned like me.

(Sorry for any inconvenience.)
Technorati tags:America, United States of America, News, News and politics, prohibition, drug war, prohibition, Drug Policy, Drug Policy Reform, crime, prisons, Jim Crow, Democratic Party, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Barack

The Jim Crow status quo of Daily Kos

Or: banned like me.

Francis L. Holland Blog is a breath of fresh air for anyone who sees the world of potential beyond America's White Jim Crow status quo.

currently he has an essay on the blog, "Is YearlyKos and Overwhelmingly, Disproportionately White Gathering?"

This column is so dead on target that I find myself in the best mood I have been in all week. The self-ordained 'liberals' at

Speaker Pelosi's command and control

The Philadelphia Inquirer today published a puff piece by columnist Marianne Means of Hearst Newspapers about Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi is proving she’s up to the job. It is truly insulting to see Pelosi referred to as a "left" leaning politician. What a load of propaganda.

SEE: Nancy Pelosi imposes Jim Crow status quo in congress

The one policy in America that does even

Obama VS. Nader

Many Democrats like to denounce me as a one issue voter. Democrats use such demagoguery to shove people into supporting Democrats who do not support the same values and issues. As if being denounced as a single issue voter should coerce me to forsake the issues I care most about and vote for politicians who do not share my values. This is a mistake that Democrats have made going back to Bill

Barack Obama; Assassin of Youth

(Reposted from 2/3/2006 due to blogger software problem.)

On his "crime" issue page U.S. Sen. Barack Obama has this to say about the Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005.

"Senator Obama cosponsored the Combat Meth Act, which provides more money for fighting methamphetamine (meth), tightens controls on the sale of meth ingredients, and provides assistance to the children of meth abusers."


Nancy Pelosi imposes Jim Crow status quo in congress

(Reposted from 2/3/2006 due to blogger software problem.)

For the political expedient of keeping a vital but unpopular issue out of the 2008 presidential election Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and senior Democrats will 'embargo' any meaningful reform of America's Jim Crow, terrorist funding, crime fostering drug war policy.

"Progressive Dennis Kucinich takes over a new House subcommittee

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Blogger2 screw-up with Google Blog Directory

The new Blogger2 software has an auto generated problem that is causing some bloggers to not have their writing listed in the Google Blog Directory.

The new Blogger2 software includes a tag <$BlogMetaData$> that generates a group of META TAGS for syndication links. The group includes at tag: <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW"> This prevents the Google Blog Directory from indexing

Police say: reduce crime, 'Give heroin to addicts'

Give heroin to addicts, says police chief
The Telegraph 21/02/2007

"One of the country's most senior police officers has called for heroin to be prescribed to long-term addicts in order to prevent them from committing crime.

Ken Jones, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said that a way had to be found to deal with a hard core minority of heroin addicts.

"I was a drugs

CNN's Lou Dobbs promoting crime and stateless terrorism

Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN-TV has been using that international media platform to rant the White House status quo propaganda about the massively failed drug war. In fact Dobbs blind support for the drug war amounts to treason because that support is giving real "aid and comfort" to America's enemies.

The proliferation of 'stateless' terrorist armies has grown in the past twenty-five years or more

Arianna, But Wait There's More

Arianna Huffington in 'Where's the Beef?' II: The Conventional Wisdumb on Barack Obama you lament the seemingly artificial obstructions faced by Sen. Barack Obama from the likes of Tim Russert. Russert's banal innuendo has implied that there is no real substance to Obama. But Arianna, all that you do is vacuously point to Obama's own policy pages to flesh out candidate Obama.

What is

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Police say: reduce crime, 'Give heroin to addicts'

Give heroin to addicts, says police chief
The Telegraph 21/02/2007

"One of the country’s most senior police officers has called for heroin to be prescribed to long-term addicts in order to prevent them from committing crime.

Ken Jones, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said that a way had to be found to deal with a hard core minority of heroin addicts.

“I was a drugs officer and we have to be realistic,” said Mr Jones, who has emerged as the most senior police officer yet to back heroin prescription."

In America: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

The stated goals of current U.S.drug policy -- reducing crime, drug addiction, and juvenile drug use -- have not been achieved, even after nearly four decades of a policy of "war on drugs". This policy, fueled by over a trillion of our tax dollars has had little or no effect on the levels of drug addiction among our fellow citizens, but has instead resulted in a tremendous increase in crime and in the numbers of Americans in our prisons and jails. With 4.6% of the world's population, America today has 22.5% of the worlds prisoners. But, after all that time, after all the destroyed lives and after all the wasted resources, prohibited drugs today are cheaper, stronger, and easier to get than they were thirty-five years ago at the beginning of the so-called "war on drugs".

With this in mind, we current and former members of law enforcement have created a drug-policy reform movement -- LEAP. We believe that to save lives and lower the rates of disease, crime and addiction. as well as to conserve tax dollars, we must end drug prohibition. LEAP believes that a system of regulation and control of production and distribution will be far more effective and ethical than one of prohibition.

We do this in hopes that we in Law Enforcement can regain the public's respect and trust, which have been greatly diminished by our involvement in imposing drug prohibition. Please consider joining us. You don't have to be a cop to join LEAP!

Find out more about us by reading some of the articles in our Publications section or by watching and listening to some of
our multimedia clips,. You can also read about the men and women who speak for LEAP, and see what we have on the calendar for the near future.

"Summary of the Synthesis Report." Programme for a Medical Prescription of Narcotics Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Zurich; 1997

Criminal activity

Income from illegal and semi-legal activities decreased dramatically: 10% as opposed to 59% originally.

Both the number of offenders and the number of criminal offences decreased by about 60% during the first six months of treatment (according to information obtained directly from the patients' and from police records).

Court convictions also decreased significantly (according to the central criminal register).

Swiss heroin model reporting benefits September 4, 2006

"In Switzerland, the medicalisation of heroin use has helped change the image of users: from rebels to losers," Nordt said. "In the eyes of the young, they're mostly just sick people, forced to get medical help."

The harm reduction policy followed by the Swiss authorities has also been successful in reducing heroin-related deaths, which have fallen by more than half over the course of a decade, and the transmission of Aids.

And there is more good news concerning the fight against crime and prostitution.

"Compared with countries like Britain, where crime is very often linked to substance abuse, this trend has almost disappeared in Switzerland over the last few years," said Nordt.

CNN's Lou Dobbs promoting crime and stateless terrorism

Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN-TV has been using that international media platform to rant the White House status quo propaganda about the massively failed drug war. In fact Dobbs blind support for the drug war amounts to treason because that support is giving real "aid and comfort" to America's enemies.

The proliferation of 'stateless' terrorist armies has grown in the past twenty-five years or more concurrent with the growth of the international black market for drugs. The $ 322 billion international black market for drugs exists because of the prohibition laws that Lou Dobbs supports. The , Jim Crow drug war laws supported by Lou Dobbs create the economic black market that in turn 'grants huge subsidies to our enemies'.

This is my letter to Lou Dobbs at CNN-TV.

Sept. 21, 2006 testimony by one of America's leading experts on Afghanistan, New York University Professor Barnett Rubin, who appeared before the United States senate Foreign Relations Committee. "The international drug control regime, which criminalizes narcotics, does not reduce drug use, but it does produce huge profits for criminals and the armed groups and corrupt officials who protect them. Our drug policy grants huge subsidies to our enemies.'

Dr. Rubin concluded: "If it were not illegal, it would be worth hardly anything. It's only its illegality that makes it so valuable." Plan Colombia: Informed Myopia

It is your drug war policy that is putting more drugs into the hands of more American children. Under prohibition the only people who sell drugs are the least moral and most unethical people in our society; addict drug dealers, gangsters and other social predators who all thrive in America's $ 144 billion annual retail black market for drugs. If we put these drugs into the hands of licensed, regulated and taxed responsible members of the community using established democratic institutions of regulation, we can reduce the scale of the street market. A black market that today has no morals and ethics in who it sell drugs to.

The ever more violent crime fostering, terrorist funding $ 344 billion global black market thrives because of your support for the authoritarian drug war policy. You, Lou Dobbs, have no confidence in or respect for democratic regulatory institutions. You, Lou Dobbs, promote authoritarian anti-democratic police state prohibition instead of democratic institutions of regulation.

You are the cause of the drug problem Lou Dobbs. You are not the solution.

Children have greater access to drugs thanks to Lou Dobbs drug war. Terrorists have greater access to money and the veins of American children thanks to Lou Dobbs drug war policy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Arianna, But Wait There's More

Arianna Huffington in 'Where's the Beef?' II: The Conventional Wisdumb on Barack Obama you lament the seemingly artificial obstructions faced by Sen. Barack Obama from the likes of Tim Russert. Russert's banal innuendo has implied that there is no real substance to Obama. But Arianna, all that you do is vacuously point to Obama's own policy pages to flesh out candidate Obama.

What is disappointing, Arianna, is that you yourself never look beyond the "conventional wisdumb" of the top two Democratic Party talking point issues, Iraq and healthcare, in your fawning defense of Barack.

Look deeper Arianna. I have. Look to Obama's own record in the senate on CRIME. He proudly claims co-sponsorship of the 2005 Combat Methamphetamine Act.

Less than two years later the Justice Department tells us that the "success" of the Obama's Meth Act is such that now Mexican drug cartels are making meth and adding it to their organized national product lines across America. But wait, before Obama's Meth Act the addicts in the community were making it for local distribution. Bikers and small time gangsters. Now its organized cartels selling meth into every community in the nation.

I know, Arianna, that you have seen this disastrous "ballooning effect" in drug black-markets before. SEE:Barack Obama; Assassin of Youth

Arianna please, do more than simple-mindedly point people at Obama's propaganda links to make an argument. That is little more than argumentative itself. Lets have some of that great and expansive analysis that you are so adept at doing.

Do you, Arianna Huffington, actually believe that someone as backassward as Obama is on drug war policy can be any better than (ugh!) Hillary as president of the United States of America?

Unlike Arianna, I actually asked the question of Obama; "Where's the beef?" I got back the same artificially colored pre-packaged Jim Crow drug war status quo.

It would truly be wonderful to have a candidate, of any color and sex combination, who could actually promise "hope" to ALL of America. But any candidate, like Obama and all other Democrats save Dennis Kucinich, who continues to support the crime fostering, terrorist funding, Jim Crow drug war is not offering hope to all of America. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is a Tax Addict

3.6% in increases or $ 921 million more in the nearly $ 27.3 billion state budget. 100% unnecessary.

There is a ten cent increase in cigarette taxes to $ 1.45 a pack. A $ 4.00 pack of smokes now has a tax rate of 36%.

Pennsylvania has a $ 6 billion dollar retail market that is today totally untaxed. At the same time the combined state and local governments of Pennsylvania spend well over $ 250

Rendell's budget "loaded with new levies"

Ambitious plans call for higher taxes
Rendell's proposal loaded with new levies. He blames feds, oil industry for some of the problems.

The Morning Call of Allentown budget story, Ambitious plans call for higher taxes, February 7, 2007, is the usual Harrisburg, finger pointing denial and avarice. None of which is accurate or useful.

Pennsylvania budget PDF file Morning Call link.

3.6% in

Rendell Pennsylvania Budget finger pointing denial

Ambitious plans call for higher taxes
Rendell's proposal loaded with new levies. He blames feds, oil industry for some of the problems.

The Morning Call of Allentown budget story, Ambitious plans call for higher taxes, February 7, 2007, is the usual Harrisburg, finger pointing denial and avarice. None of which is accurate or useful.

Pennsylvania budget PDF file Morning Call link.

3.6% in